I received this email a few minutes ago (and a few hours after I noticed that my Facebook account was down).
For the fourth time, Facebook has disabled my account because the company doesn’t believe I am who I say I am.
Yes, apparently I’m the one with the fake account.
Not “Obrien Gary Neil” or “Michael Walter” or “Nelson Colbert” or “Trofimov Sergei” or “Anne Landman” or “Dounas Mounir” or “Kyle W. Norman” or one of the hundreds of other fake accounts that I have reported to Facebook for using my images to scam vulnerable women across the globe. No. Once again, Facebook has decided to disable my account for using a fake name.
Despite the fact that I’ve already had to submit my government-issued ID to Facebook in each previous case.
Despite the fact that my account is nearly a decade old and linked to 2000+ Facebook friends.
Despite the fact that I’ve had countless media interviews about the problem.
If it can happen to me, it could certainly happen to you.
I’m starting to feel like a broken record, but I really need your help. Please share so that we can get Facebook’s attention. The reporting system is badly flawed, and as I’ve written previously, Facebook really needs to get it fixed.